Privacy Plicy / プライバシーポリシー


  • 制定日:2003年8月25日
  • 最終改訂日:2023年3月1日
  • 株式会社セブンシーズ
  • 代表取締役社長:揚石 洋子


  • 個人情報は企業向け語学コミュニケーション研修を中心とした業務において当社の正当な事業遂行上並びに従業員の雇用、人事管理上必要な範囲に限定して、取得・利用及び提供をし、特定された利用目的の達成に必要な範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱いは行いません。また、利用目的の範囲を超えた個人情報の取扱いを行わないための措置を講じます。
  • 個人情報保護に関する法令、国が定める指針及びその他の規範を遵守致します。
  • 個人情報の漏えい、滅失、き損などのリスクに対しては、合理的な安全対策を講じて防止すべく事業の実情に合致した経営資源を注入し個人情報セキュリティ体制を継続的に向上させます。また、万一の際には速やかに是正措置を講じます。
  • 個人情報取扱いに関する苦情及び相談に対しては、迅速かつ誠実に、適切な対応をさせていただきます。
  • 個人情報保護マネジメントシステムは、当社を取り巻く環境の変化を踏まえ、適時・適切に見直してその改善を継続的に推進します。
  • 個人情報保護方針に関するお問い合わせ
    • 〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-3-1 朝日生命恵比寿ビル9・11階
    • 株式会社セブンシーズ クライアントサービス担当
    • メールアドレス
    • TEL:03-6478-7192 (受付時間 10:00~19:00※)
    • ※土・日曜日、祝日、年末年始、ゴールデンウィーク期間は翌営業日以降の対応とさせていただきます。




1. 事業者の名称


2. 管理者(若しくはその代理人)の職名、所属及び連絡先
  • 管理者: 個人情報保護管理責任者 Administration Director
  • 所属部署: 株式会社セブンシーズ 総務部
  • 連絡先: 電話03(6478)7192
3. 個人情報の利用目的
4. 保有個人データの安全管理のために講じた措置に関して
外的環境の把握 個人情報等についてクラウドサービスを利用して保管しております。
5. 個人情報の第三者提供


6. 個人情報取扱いの委託


7. 個人情報の開示等の請求


8. 個人情報を提供されることの任意性について


9. 認定個人情報保護団体について





  • 〒150-0013 東京都渋谷区恵比寿1-3-1 朝日生命恵比寿ビル9・11階
  • 株式会社セブンシーズ クライアントサービス担当
  • メールアドレス
  • TEL:03-6478-7192 (受付時間 10:00~19:00※)
  • ※土・日曜日、祝日、年末年始、ゴールデンウィーク期間は翌営業日以降の対応とさせていただきます。
*Google Analyticsについて

当社では、お客様の本サイトの訪問状況を把握するためGoogle Analyticsを利用しています。Google Analyticsを利用しますと、当社が発行するクッキーをもとにGoogle社が訪問履歴を収集、記録、分析し、当社はその分析結果を受け取りますが、特定の個人を識別する情報は一切含まれません。
お客様は、「Google Analytics オプトアウトアドオン」からブラウザのアドオン設定でGoogle Analyticsを無効にすることにより、当社のGoogle Analytics利用によるお客様の情報の収集を停止することも可能です。なお、お客様がGoogle Analyticsを無効設定した場合、お客様が訪問する本サイト以外のウェブサイトでもGoogle Analyticsは無効になりますが、お客様がブラウザのアドオンを再設定することにより、再度Google Analyticsを有効にすることも可能です。

Personal Information Privacy Policy

  • Date of Enactment: 2003/8/25
  • Latest Revision: 2023/3/1
  • Seven Seas Corporation, Ltd.
  • President: Yoko Ageishi

Our company, regarding our handling of all private information we deal with as a provider of language and communication training to businesses, while recognizing our social responsibility, pledges to abide by all laws and regulations covering private information and the protection of individual’s rights. Moreover, we declare that in implementing the policies listed below we will, beyond constructing a private information management system, recognizing and utilizing the most up to date technology, changes in social demands and in the business environment, leverage our entire company to continually renew our systems and policies to handle personal information with the highest care.

  • Personal Information will, in our role as a provider of language and communication training to businesses, in the proper conduct of our business, be limited to those aspects necessary in the employment and management by our HCD department of employees, and when being acquired, used or distributed, always be subject to provisions to prevent the use of said information exceeding its remit.
  • We will always strictly observe all regulations, national laws and rules in the handling of Personal Information.
  • To prevent the risk of leaks, damage to reputation or material losses, we will create a rational scheme that, in accordance with realistic business situations and capital assets, continually seeks to improve our Personal Information privacy framework. In the case of unforeseen eventualities, we shall instigate corrective measures to resolve such situations.
  • In response to any complains or concerns in the handling of Personal Information, we will, as fast as possible and in good faith, take appropriate action.
  • Our Personal Information Management System will, in response to any changes in the business environment, be modified swiftly and appropriately in an effort to continually improve our services.
  • For any enquiries regarding our Personal Information Privacy Policy, please contact us using the details below.
    • Asahiseimeiebisu Bld.9・11F, 1-3-1, Ebisu , Shibuya Ku, Tokyo To, 150-0013, Japan
    • Seven Seas Co., Ltd. Client Service Manager
    • Email Address:
    • Tel: 03-6478-7192
    • Any contact on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, New Year’s period and Golden Week will be responded to on the next business day.

This policy, beyond being distributed and made known to all relevant persons, will be made freely available on our company’s website and all literature, and to all persons at any time who may wish to receive it.

Personal Information Handling Policy

1. Employers Name

Seven Seas Co., Ltd.

2. Personal Information Manager (or their Representative) position and contact details
  • Manager: Personal Information Protection Management and Accountability Administration Director
  • Company and Department: Seven Seas Co., Ltd. Administration Dept.
  • Contact Details: Tel: 03(6478)7192
3.Purposes of Use of Personal Information
TypePurpose of Use
(1) Purpose of the use of Personal Information obtained directly from the person in written form (“written form” is defined hereafter as personal web-pages, email and other electronic forms of communication, as well as traditional forms): Disclosed Personal Information
Personal Information acquired directly from the relevant personFor communication, sending information and administrative procedures in response to orders for training, training consultation, internal trainer’s training, international actor’s training, all types of program development and creation, production of original English level testing materials, forum invitation in response to orders, analysis and research to provide better services
Personal Information acquired by inquiry (Web etc.)In response to inquiries and requests, introducing our services, forum or events. For communication, sending information and administrative procedures in response to orders for event applied and other incidental works related to our service and business including survey, analysis, and research
Business cards provided at meetings and events etc. Personal information written on questionnaireIn response to inquiries and requests, introducing our services, forum or events and other incidental works related to our service and business including survey, analysis, and research
Shareholder Personal InformationFor public information disclosure, delivery of distributed materials and communication
Client Personal InformationFor communication related to meetings or business operations, receiving and placing orders, billing and introducing our services, forum or events, analysis and research to provide better services
Staff Personal InformationFor human capital management, business management and oversight, health management, security management
Potential Employees (or Candidates) Personal InformationFor communicating with applicants and for management of the recruiting process
(2) Purpose of the use of Personal information obtained other than written form
Personal Information acquired by entrusted workFor training, training consultation, internal trainers’ training, international actors’ training, all types of program development and creation, production of original English level testing materials, forum invitation, analysis and research to provide better services
Personal Information obtained verballyFor introducing our services, forum or events, analysis and research to provide better services
4. Provision of Personal Information to 3rd Parties

Seven Seas will never supply a customer’s Personal Information to any 3rd party except in the following cases:

  • Explicit agreement has been obtained from the customer.
  • As required by law.
  • To prevent damage to any person’s life, person or property, even if it is not possible to obtain direct agreement from the customer.
  • For the protection of the public health, or the promotion of healthy children, even if it is not possible to obtain direct agreement from the customer.
  • To cooperate with Government agencies or regional institutions or their agents in connection with the proper execution of their duties in regards to the law, even not getting agreement from the customer would obstruct these activities
  • In order for the smooth operation of business, it may be necessary within the scope of the requirements of use, to set aside all or part of this policy on the handling of Personal Information.
5. Entrustment of the Handling of Personal Information

Seven Seas, beyond the execution of our duties, wishes to provide the best possible service to our customers, and for this reason may entrust part of our operations to an external organization, which on occasion may be supplied with Personal Information. In this case, we will only select those external partners who have been confirmed to correctly handle Personal Information, and through stipulated contractual obligations will manage and maintain the secrecy of Personal Information in order to prevent any and all leaks.

6. Requests Regarding the Disclosure of Personal Information

Customers can, regarding their own Personal Information disclosures (notification of the purposes of use, corrections, addition of deletion of contents, cessation of use or removal of records, cessation of provision of Personal Information to 3rd parties), contact and communication with our company. In this case, after we have confirmed your identity as the owner of the Personal Information, we will respond to your queries in a reasonably period of time. For further information, please contact our company through the address listed below.

7. Regarding the Provision of Personal Information

Whether to provide Personal Information to Seven Seas is a voluntary act by the customer. However, if the necessary Personal Information is not provided, then there is the possibility that we will be unable to fully provide any and all services.

8. Regarding the Conformity Assessment Body

The Conformity Assessment Body is, receiving accreditation from the State Minister with the 37 provisions for the protection of Personal Information as its basis, an organization that managers complaints regarding the handling of Personal Information, and provides information on the correct handling of Personal Information to enterprise.

Our company is unaffiliated with the Conformity Assessment Body.


For any enquiries regarding our Personal Information Privacy Policy, please contact us using the details below.

  • Asahiseimeiebisu Bld.9・11F, 1-3-1, Ebisu , Shibuya Ku, Tokyo To, 150-0013, Japan
  • Seven Seas Co., Ltd. Client Service Manager
  • Email Address:
  • Tel: 03-6478-7192

Any contact on Saturdays, Sundays, National Holidays, New Year’s period and Golden Week will be responded to on the next business day.

*Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to keep track of your visits to our website. When we use Google Analytics, Google collects, records, and analyzes visit history based on cookies, and we receive the results of the analysis, but it does not include any information that identifies a specific individual.
In addition, Google manages the information based on its privacy policy.
You can also stop the collection of your information by Google Analytics by changing your browser add-on settings from “Google Analytics Opt-out Browser Add-on”. If you disable the add-on setting, Google Analytics will be disabled on all other websites using that service, but you can also enable Google Analytics again by reconfiguring your browser add-ons.